Archive for the ‘Industrial Flooring Solutions’ Category

Scientists, chemists, and researchers are all integral in the creation of medicines. But the human factor, while serving as the brains of the entire operation, is just one of the essential components in pharmaceutical laboratories. The adequacy of facilities is another. Chemists depend on the tools and equipment they have at their disposal. Insufficient equipment could hinder their ability to design new […]

When it comes to industrial concrete floors, they’re thought to be extremely sturdy and are expected to last for years, with minimal maintenance. This type of flooring is also seen as something that can go without repairs, even after it’s gone out of alignment, developed cracks, breaks, has had spalls or pieces broken off or come off in splinters or chips. These […]

The floor is where all the action is in the Byrne Arena at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Elephants pound on the floor during circus performances, hockey players race down the frozen floor and musicians construct massive stages atop the 18,000 square foot Kalman Absorption Process® industrial concrete floor. Though, spectators will never see the jointless, super-hard, abrasion […]

Concrete floors are one of the most troublesome items in today’s industrial buildings. Surveys over the years indicate that about six of every ten buildings have floor problems, most often because the floor is manufactured on the construction site and subjected to variances of temperature and other weather conditions, inexperienced work crews, and poor quality control during and after its manufacture. In […]